Kelly Strayhorn Theater Provides Unique Venue for Voices of Social Change
This past year we have provided stage space and creative space for artists and voices that might not otherwise be heard. At the MLK Day Celebration, we became a great cloud of witnesses to artwork focused on Black Lives Matter, women empowerment, and the struggle of coming out and living transgender in an unaccepting world. At our Keyword: International event, we gathered around artist that push the boundaries and demanding that we as a people talk about the things we don’t want to talk about – racism, sexism, poverty, injustice. And at our My People Queer Arts Showcase, artists who might not be welcome in other venues were provided space and stage for their voices to be heard.
As there are most certainly loud voices in our city who would like to see the Kelly Strayhorn theater sterilized or homogenized, we continue to push forward to be a beacon of light in our community, providing a venue for the non-sterilized and un-homogenized so that change can come and set us all free. Take a look at all the ways KST is more than a theater.